‘There is no traffic jam on the extra mile’
I must say, I am so impressed with the agility that most people have quickly adapted to this new way of being. We have been in lock-down for the past 9 days now - some of us longer. We have so appreciated the people who have initiated contact with us and the people we have contacted. We have caught up with so many of our old friends and past acquaintances. It has been great to know people are looking out for us. One thing that I am aware of as we now approach 10 days is that some of us are feeling tired with what the energy it has taken to implement the new way of being and ensuring people are well supported in their adapting. My focus has turned a bit to how can I support those who are out there making this happen. I spoke with someone today who intentionally thanked the people re-stocking the shelves at her supermarket. They were pleasantly surprised at being thanked by a perfect stranger. Let’s all do more of that. I am so grateful for being on rural delivery so I have been able to post Easter eggs to the kids. I also put a block of chocolate with a thank you note in for our postie - receiving a lovely thank you note back. Let’s together make this time a blessing for others. What can each of us continue to do to go that extra mile?