The Comeback is Always Stronger Than the Setback

‘The comeback is always stronger than the set back.’

This is today’s inspiring card.

Sometimes I feel a little bit guilty saying that I am feeling quite excited by the positive prospects of what this lock down period is offering us. I don’t want in any way to minimise the impact it is having on so many people. I know it is tough on people as they adjust to being isolated, loss of income and at its very worst, deaths. These effects cannot be dismissed. They are serious.

However, alongside that, I am very much a person whose head is always in tomorrow. I am excited by the opportunities that the comeback of this situation is gifting us should we choose to open the gift.

  1. time to stop. And just have more time.

  2. time to reflect and evaluate - what is it that we want to lay down and not pick up again? What is it that we want to bring new into our lives?

  3. time for others. We live in a world where social isolation has been a big issue. Who can we connect with/ re-connect with in this time and space?

  4. the opportunity for us to experience a new way of being the Church rather than the primary focus on doing Church on Sunday mornings.

  5. time for our creation to heal and come back to what its Maker intended

  6. the opportunity for this time of social (or I prefer to use the word ’physical’) distancing to allow to bubble to the surface what our “unhealthy dependencies” are, and time to address these and become more whole people.

  7. the opportunity to bring the being back into alignment with the human.

Yes!!! I so believe that the outcome is going to be stronger that the setback…. if we allow it. It will depend on the choices we make now and the actions we put into place around our choices. Join me with making good choices that will make a lasting difference to the outcome. We have been given this wonderful opportunity of time…!