We Know What We Are, But Know Not What We May Be.

Mmmmm….. This card provides some room to stop and reflect. What does this actually mean? My take on it is that, we know what we are now, but do not know yet what we may be or become. In this light of understanding and in these days of lockdown, I can see both in myself and in others that this time of stopping and not being able to have true physical “together” times with our networks, what is truly in us - often held deep down - is bubbling up to the surface. This - whether we like it or not - is who we truly are. If we have the courage to acknowledge it, give it some space and time, trace it’s roots, then we can replace whatever has been our demons with a new truth. By doing this - face, trace and replace * - we have the opportunity to use this time to become a new ‘you’ - and this is who we ‘know not what we may be’. I so believe - and have to remind myself often - that who I was created to be is so much more that who I am now. I was created in love by my Transcendent Father of all Love….. and that is who I truly am. And while I am still on this journey of life and discovery, I cannot fully comprehend who I fully will be. But I know it is good :)

* David Riddle is where I first heard this phase of Face, Trace and Replace, speaking of thoughts and feelings that often rise up within us and how we need to deal with them.