Your Potential is Endless

Your Potential is Endless

Whenever I sit and ponder the wonder of the human-being and indeed all of creation it does not take long for me to feel overwhelmed with the wonder of it all. Overwhelmed in a good way. When my grand-daughters were born at just under 26 weeks. it was clear that they held so much potential as they fought their way into health and sustainability. Sitting in that neonatal until alongside other parents of premmies - and then again when Elea was born at 31 weeks - opened my eyes afresh to the wonder of who we are and who we are created to be. Looking at these 3 girls now - Amelie and Elise are 10 in a couple of weeks time, Elea is 5 next week - I am once again overwhelmed with seeing them realise their endless potential. And this is true for us all, me included.

So I ask myself; why is it that I so often forget this truth? As I ponder, I realise that is because I too often listen to the Critical Voice that resides within me. Some time ago I read that in the Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew languages, the word that we usually translate now as the devil or satan is actually the Accuser. Isn’t that so true? The biggest Accuser usually sits within my own head telling me that I am not good enough, that I am unworthy, that I am lacking. But that is not the truth. The Truth-Maker reminds me that my potential in endless. This is the voice of my Creator. So it is the voice of truth. It is not saying I am good at everything. But that I have endless potential within who I am created to be. And as I live into that, I truly do realise it everyday. Indeed, my potential is endless. So is yours!!! Your potential is endless. That is the voice of Truth. Live into that with me.