Everyday is Another Chance

How I love this card!!! I don’t know anyone who lives their life without some downs and some regrets at times. It is so true Everyday is another chance. Learn from yesterday, apologise if you need to and move on. It is only a failure if you have not learnt from it and taken responsibility for what you have to take responsibility for. Kiss yesterday goodbye and wake up to a new day, a new dawn, a new opportunity and another chance. The chances are, having reflected on yesterday you are unlikely to make the same mistakes and today will be a much better day. Don’t allow the accuser in your head to bring you down. Just because you make a mistake or did something dumb does not make you a bad person. You are still you - a precious created being who is deeply loved and cherished by your Creator. How do I know this stuff? Because this is how I have to live my life every day. I am no different to you. I have to live my life trying to remember the truth that Everyday is another chance. Enjoy your day :)